Monday, May 23, 2011

Funny Moments #5 The Lonely Lolita

The black dressed crowd stares at the entirely pink dressed Lolita who's yawning. The group mentality is extremley strong in Japan.

What do you think they're thinking?


  1. haha that's interesting xD are they really staring at her though? :O just coincidentally looking in that direction? xD I assumed japanese people are quite tolerant on any fashion at all times lol ♥♥

    I always love your posts! never boring! ^-^

  2. I think they're thinking: "omg she's so different..she is strange..freaky..I would like to insult her but I feel to afraid and the others would stare at me.." and the women think: "omg I wish I was as cute as her, I wish I would be as brave as she and dare to dress like that, but I am too shy" XDD
    or they all think something perverse..

  3. Looks like a hime gyaru. But the picture is very great!

  4. kanna:

    Ah now when I look at the pictures again I think that you're right! I need to learn to see the difference. Thank you! =)

  5. エミリー❤:

    Yeah maybe they're more like coincidentally looking in that direction and happens to see her. But seeing people looking at someone like that in Japan makes it feel like they're staring.

    Because as you're saying I also feel like they're usually really tolerant on any fashion, or at least they dont't make any sign of not being. I haven't seen people looking at someone like that in Japan before I think.

  6. Shou-chan:

    That's a really interesting guess on what they're thinking! You're might actually be right! Maybe not about the perverse thought though. I hope... ;)

    Thank you for commenting! =)

  7. no that´s lolita style. The girl wear Angelic pretty <3<3<3<2 she is sooo sweet !!!! I want to steal her <3<3<3

  8. aaw poor girl! they look at her like she's an animal or something... but she's uniquely pretty!

  9. She looks more lolita than hime too me, but whatev! Everyone looks like they're thinking she's different so don't get too close! DX

  10. In my opinion they just ignore. They don't care. Japanese people are so used to seeing "those kind of styles" around there, that they don't care anymore. In everyday life in Japan, at least in major citys people are so used to different styles that it's so common that they won't even notice that there's something different going on.

  11. great pictures. i admire your fashion sense. i wish i had a friend like you to show me what to wear. the food pictures we great too.

    call Bangladesh
