Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Part 3/3 EGG Youth Party feat. Blog Boys and Kanako!!

In the final part of this EGG Youth Party we meet all the Blog Boys and ask Kanako if she remembers
an old friend! ;D

The gyaru boyband PlayZ had an performance.


One of the members in the band is Ayumu that is the most popular Gyaru-O ever. He has been on countless of EGG-covers and got his own clothing brand. Japan loves Japanese people that doesn't look Japanese. That's why so many celebrities are half Japanese I guess.

Ayumu doesn't need to sing that much, the fans are happy if he just waves to them or touch them.

Some fans with a home made Ayumu-sign. Ayumu = あゆむ in the Japanese Hiragana-alphabet.

Me and Ayumu at Men's EGG Night. Even though he's probably the most famous person in Shibuya he's very nice and humble so I really respect him for that!

Here's a video from PlayZ's performance:

This funny guy wanted us to buy the Blog Boys calender with pictures of the Blog Boys in underwear which we weren't really intrested in.XD
But then he said that if we buy it we get to meet all the Blog Boys and take pictures with them.

We said that if we get to meet Kanako as well we will buy it.
He was hesitating for a little bit but then he said "Deal!!" and started calling all the models. XD

First he calls up Naokyun that comes running into the room only some seconds later looking confused since the regular signing of the calenders hasn't started yet.


And then Hayato!

A Yuunyan in pink Kimono got an "Absolut Svensk"-shirt to wear at special occiasions! ;)
Absolut Svensk = 100% Swedish

More models came up to sign calenders.

Together with Takkezou, Minorun, Ryouichi and Chiibou.

I asked Takkezou if he remembered when he and his girlfriend met me and these three French friends in Shibuya, which you can read about here. He did and said -"Yeah it was four of you!"

That time we talked about that gyaru-culture is becoming popular all over the world recently, so I asked if he had seen the article about Finnish gyaru in EGG. He smiled and said he had read it. After that he said: -"We need more!" 

Here are the Blog Boy's blogs:


Shouya made a short appearence and got really happy for getting a souvenire shirt. To much flash in this picture, but I like his purple fleece shirt!

Kanako was going to come meet us after she finished dancing and shaking peoples hands like
in this video: 

Kanako was voted the most popular female EGG-model of 2010.

Then she came and signed our calender.

The model and Mayhem-staff Ryoma in the middle of this picture had told me that he used to be in the same gyaru-circle as Romihi and Kanako.

Ryoma once gave me one of his staff-cards so I showed it to Kanako and asked if she remember him but she didn't seem very sure.


You can watch Englas nice Video Blog about the party here!

When most people started heading home...

...the party had just begun for the this duo! =)


  1. :O!!! you got to take a photo with kanako and the PlayZ boys!!! how lucky!!!!!! love their songs!! \(^o^)/

  2. i dunno. i find ayumu really ugly..i don´t know why the girls like him so much. i mean when i look back in my old men´s eggs. before he got so much plastic sugery he was really bad XD.. i always ask me why japanese people get eye sugery..i mean often there theets are not really good :/

  3. Kanako looks really radiant and healthy actually, I didn't expect that.

  4. ABSOLUT SVENSK !! hahah :) /sara

  5. kanako! *_*
    so cool q_q
    I want to meet her, too ;___;

  6. hallooo, its bambiii <3

    wow, where is this party!??

    when i come to tokyo we are gonna hangout for sure!!



  7. looks like everyone had great fun, which is cool ^^. thanks for Egg Youth Party posts. it was interesting to read (and see) them~
    have a great week :D

  8. Ahhh thank you again for such an entertaining and awesome post! Can't say anything but I wish I'd been there... And maybe gotten a calendar for myself. ;P

  9. That seems so much fun! I would totally love to be in your shoes :D
    And PlayZ sounded really awsome, never heard them before so it's nice with some new music.

    I really like your blog, it's really fun to read and look at all your photos! :D

  10. DJ Soichiro is a really funny guy ne :) He's a parapara DJ too. He was at the event I went to in Kabukicho on Friday. I think he works for egg or something though. He's always talking about photo shoots on his mixi updates :)
